Gustavo & Mariana
Furniture selection & Attic rearrangement
Execution date: 2018
140 sqm
01 Attic arrangement
This two floor house has a attic that use to work as a laundry and storage area. We added a bathroom and transform it into a guest’s bedroom. Gustavo and Mariana have people over often and to fit at least 3 in this area was important for them. The main feature of this space is a low partition that replace the night tables to fit an extra sofa bed, adding some color to the room and a modern touch.
02 Furniture selection
Gustavo and Mariana recently moved to Amsterdam after several years of been living in Asia. Bringing with them many beautiful pieces that they wanted to display all around their home. To find the right furniture that fit and match this but still brings some warmth to the space was crucial.